Avacal Summer Champions Ceremony

Herald: Would all the champions of Avacal present themselves before their Majesties.
(Current champions come forward and kneel)

King or Queen: My champions stand and bear witness.
(Current champions stand and step to the side)

Herald: We the populace of Avacal, are met this day to witness the selection of our Champions of the Field. These Champions of Sword and Arrow (and Youth if this tournament was held at this time) are the defenders of our borders, holding the Kingdom of Avacal against all challengers for the sake of their Majesites, ________ and ________ King and Queen of Avacal. So are we met, so have we witnessed, so are Two (Three), by grace of skill fairly chosen.

Herald: Their Majesties call forward their champions before them.
(The current champions come forward and array themselves around the thrones)
(Champion of Sword Section)

Herald: In the name of their Majesties, the King and Queen of Avacal, I do bid ________ to present themselves before this Court.
(The winner of tournament presents themselves and kneels.)

King or Queen: (addresses outgoing champion) Good Gentle, ________ Champion of Sword at your investiture a year gone, you were charged with the duty of seeking a successor to your posts fairly and truly chosen. Before you now is the claimant to your place. Is honour satisfied and will you step aside?

Outgoing Champion: A positive response

King or Queen: Champions of Grace, do you concur?

Other Champions: A positive response
(A weapon is brought out to swear on)

Herald: Do you now swear fealty to ________ and ________, your undoubted King and Queen, that you will support and defend them and Avacal from all harm or strife, that you will use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. That you will enlighten this land and it's people, to the limits of your knowledge and skills, abjuring all private quarrels, so long as you remain Champion of Avacal?

Incoming Champion: I so swear

King or Queen: And we for our part do swear that we shall do all in our power to protect and defend you and to serve our lands, so long as we remain King and Queen of Avacal.

King: So say we, _____________Rex Avacal.

Queen: So say we, _____________ Regina Avacal.

Herald: By prowess shown this day, Their Majesties bestow upon you ________, the accolade of Kingdom Champion of Sword. You join the Champion of Arts, Champion of Rapier, Champion of Archery and Champion of Youth as the pillars of this land, representing all that is best in Avacal. You are charged this day to use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. You will defend and enlighten this land and it's people, to the limits of your might, abjuring all private quarrels. And when the time comes; you will see that your successor is fairly and truly chosen.

King or Queen: Accept from us your tokens of rank.
(Former champion help accoutre the new Champion with the regalia)

Herald: For the Champion of Sword of Avacal, a joyous noise.
(Champion of Arrows section)

Herald: In the name of their Majesties, the King and Queen of Avacal, I do bid ________ to present themselves before this Court.
(The winner of archery tourney presents themselves)

King or Queen: Good Gentle, ________ Champion of Arrow, at your Investiture a year gone, you were charged with the duty of seeking a successor to your posts fairly and truly chosen. Before you now are claimants to your place. Is honour satisfied and will you step aside?

Outgoing Champion: A positive response

King or Queen: Champions of Grace, do you concur?

Other Champions: A positive response
(A weapon is brought our to swear on)

Herald: Do you now swear fealty to ________ and ________, your undoubted King and Queen, that you will support and defend them and Avacal from all harm or strife, that you will use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. That you will enlighten this land and it's people, to the limits of your knowledge and skills, abjuring all private quarrels, so long as you remain Champion of Avacal?

Incoming Champion: I so swear

King or Queen: And we for our part do swear that we shall do all in our power to protect and defend you and to serve our lands, so long as we remain King and Queen of Avacal.

King: So say we, _____________Rex Avacal.

Queen: So say we, _____________ Regina Avacal.

Herald: By prowess shown this day, their majesties bestow upon you ________, the accolade of Kingdom Champion of Archery. You join the Champion of Arts, Champion of Rapier Champion of Sword and Champion of Youth as pillars of this land, representing all that is best in Avacal. You are charged this day to use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. You will defend and enlighten this land and it's peo-ple, to the limits of your might, abjuring all private quarrels. And when the time comes, you will see that your successor is fairly and truly chosen.

King or Queen: Accept from us your tokens of rank.
(Champion of Youth Section if the tournament was held at this event)

Herald: In the name of their Majesties, the King and Queen of Avacal, I do bid ________ to present themselves before this Court.
(The winner of tournament presents themselves and kneels.)

King or Queen: (addresses outgoing champion) Good Gentle ________ Champion of Youth at your investiture a year gone, you were charged with the duty of seeking a successor to your posts fairly and truly chosen. Before you now is the claimant to your place. Is honour satisfied and will you step aside?

Outgoing Champion: A positive response

King or Queen: Champions of Grace, do you concur?

Other Champions: A positive response
(A weapon is brought out to swear on)

Herald: Do you now swear fealty to ________ and ________, your undoubted King and Queen, that you will support and defend them and Avacal from all harm or strife, that you will use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. That you will enlighten this land and it's people, to the limits of your knowledge and skills, abjuring all private quarrels, so long as you remain Champion of Avacal?

Incoming Champion: I so swear

King or Queen: And we for our part do swear that we shall do all in our power to protect and defend you and to serve our lands, so long as we remain King and Queen of Avacal.

King: So say we, _____________Rex Avacal.

Queen: So say we, _____________ Regina Avacal.

Herald: By prowess shown this day, Their Majesties bestow upon you ________, the accolade of Kingdom Champion of Youth. You join the Champion of Arts, Champion of Rapier, Champion of Archery and Champion of Sword as the pillars of this land, representing all that is best in Avacal. You are charged this day to use your skills justly, to bring honour and glory upon the Kingdom of Avacal. You will defend and enlighten this land and it's people, to the limits of your might, abjuring all private quarrels. And when the time comes; you will see that your successor is fairly and truly chosen.

King or Queen: Accept from us your tokens of rank.
(Former champion help accoutre the new Champion with the regalia)

Herald: For the Champion of Youth of Avacal, a joyous noise.
(Former champion help accoutre the new Champion with the regalia)

Herald: For the Champion of Arrows of Avacal, a joyous noise.
(Ask if they wish to do this aspect of the ceremony for the inspirations of the new Champions)

Herald: Those who have inspired our new champions approach their Majesties.

King or Queen: Accept these tokens of our favour for your inspiration, which guided our new champions to victory this day.

Herald: For those who inspire our champions, a joyous noise.
(If either outgoing champion is not an elder go directly to elder's ceremony while everyone is still present, if not go to the following)

King or Queen: (to the outgoing champions) ________ and _______, we appreciate your service to our Kingdom and give you leave to depart with our deepest thanks.

King or Queen: Champions of Avacal, take now your rightful places in our court.