Roster of Heralds in Avacal

No matter what kind of heraldry you are interested in it, the Avacal College of Heralds has someone who can help. Look at our roster below to find someone local to you, or someone who specializes in the name you want, or someone who can teach your more about creating a device.

Kingdom Herald and Deputies
Sanguinaris Herald (Kingdom Herald) Sadb Jofreysdottir
Kingdom Deputy Herald Fáelán O'Daláigh
White Wyvern Herald (Submissions Herald) Arwyn of Leicester
White Rabbit (Protocol Herald) Blialith Red
Order of Precedence Herald Manyra Thorinsdottir
Roll of Arms Herald Manyra Thorinsdottir
Education Herald Arwyn of Leicester
Silent Herald Vacant - Interested?
Web Herald Jane de la Marché
Royal Herald Genevieve Cadieux
Branch Heralds
Shire of Bitter End Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information.
Shire of Bordergate Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information.
Barony of Borealis Olena Borisova
Barony of Montengarde
Barony of Myrgan Wood Sakeld the Peacekeeper
Shire of Sigelhundas Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information
Shire of Valley Wold Vacant - ContactBranch Senescbalfor information
Shire of Vinjar Ademar
Shire of Wyndwyrm Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information
Shire of Ayresgarde Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information
Incipient Shire of Myragardhr Vacant - Contact Branch Seneschal for information
Peter von Setzingen Barony of Montengarde
Mordecai Salzer Barony of Montengarde
Alen Bendbow Shire of Sigelhundas
Eirik of Two Ravens Barony of Montengarde
Drystan ap Ercwlff Barony of Montengarde