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Roll of Arms for Pelican

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Adeline vom Schwarzwald

Alen Bendbow

Alfreada of the Lake

Arwyn of Leicester

Beorhthanc Thuck

Bjar the Blue

Coryn of the Wode

Daniel the Broc

Darcy of Eagle's Crag

Deicyn Moel

Dezzrianne Draganova doch

Douglas Cameron of Skye

Ellisif Snorradóttir

Fáelán O Dálaigh

Fergus of Karlisle

Fjallgeirr Ljótsson

Francis MacLaren

Garth ap Collin

Guillaine Rosalind de Gaulle

Gwen MacFergus

Hamelin L'Archier

Inga in hraustliga

James d'Orleans

Jean de Chauliac

Joan the Just of Lismore Isle

John MacLeod the Black

Kathryn inghean Ui Mhaonaigh

Keri-Anne of Avacal

Kirk Einarsson

Laurel Venustas di Firenze

Maria de Vera della Cava

Michael of Braghan

Mik'ael Machiavelli

Mordecai Salzer

Murchad Mac Artgail

Ragnar the Bold

Raoul Delaroche

Roxanne Delaroche

Sadb Jofreysdottir

Ségdae Úa Fáeláin

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