News and Updates.

New OP/Roll of Arms Heraldic Deputies
posted by: Manyra & Drystan on 2022-11-23
As you may have heard there are some new staff on the Heraldic Roster. Please know we are still both in a learning curve with regards to the databases and inputing infomation. Thank you so much for your patience. If you need to contact us, please email
Upgrades in progress; please be patient.
posted by: Maryan Hoskyns on 2021-02-03
Due to some website maintenance and upgrading, you may notice a few unexpected errors cropping up - please be patient as we work to correct them. If you notice a particularly persistent issue, or an error in your OP or RoA entry please email me at op (at) avacal (dot) org
Variant displays
posted by: Daniel the Broc on 2017-07-06
So some may have noticed that I've drawn some entries into the roll on different shapes. The most recent and notable example is Sir Angar's ( but there are some others sprinkled hither and yon. \n Despite the fact that the actual form uses the standard estucteon (Heater) shape, that's just an administrative thing to make the actual process easier. You do not -have- to display it like that. Any simple geometric shape is considered "Fair game for heraldic display", because that is how it was done in period. A Lord may have a giant shield hanging above his door-way with his arms, but it was extremely common to repeat his arms on things like square glass panes in the window, lozenge tile-work (especially for Women who were armigers in Thier Own Right) and on their fancy dinnerware (extremely late and post period) If anyone wishes that their entry in the online roll be done in a different geomtic shape than the standard heater, please contact me with that request and I'll try to accommodate it as best I can.
posted by: Avacal Web Herald on 2016-04-25
The Roll of Arms is fixed! Thank you for your patience. If you find any issues, please email
Under Construction
posted by: Avacal Web Herald on 2016-04-04
Greetings Avacal! You may notice some errors around the site - we are aware of the issue and are in the process of fixing it. Please be patient with us! We hope to fix this as quickly as possible.
Under New Management
posted by: Daniel the Broc on 2015-06-06
As of June, I have taken over the ability to create and update this Roll of Arms. It is still a learning process, and while mistakes will be made, I am an expert at blaming others. If you have specific concerns, please raise them and I will tackle them as I am able. Daniel the Broc Op Herald, Avacal
Testing 1,2,3...
posted by: Frederic Badger on 2015-05-29
This is a test of the news posting system. This is only a test. If this were not a test, you would see some actual news here. It would interesting, and insightful and most importantly it would be NEWS! But it's not, this is only a test.
Welcome to the new Roll of Arms for Avacal!
posted by: Frederic Badger on 2015-05-19
Work has started on making a new Roll for Avacal, based on the current An Tir Roll.