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Roll of Arms for Jambe de Lion

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A'isha bint Karim

Adelheid Holzhauer

Adeline vom Schwarzwald

Alfreada of the Lake

Alyne of Kendal

Anabel Hastings

Arnaut Guilhem de Najac

Æthelhere the Unsteady

Baldric of Newte Leez

Bjar the Blue

Brangwayn Hesson

Brangwyne de Langlee

Brynný Loðinsdóttir of Axewater

Caitilín ingen ui Dálaig

Caterina di Alessandro di Guglielmo Franceschi

Catherine of the Rowan Tree

Cedric van Kiesterzjil

Celine d'Avignon

Cennet o Llangollen

Coryn of the Wode

Darcy of Eagle's Crag

Dýrfinna Wanderer

Deicyn Moel

Deirdri of the Mist

Douglas Cameron of Skye

Edward Bolden

Eirny Halladottir

Elrich the Wanderer

Emeric of Pevensey

Enid ferch Rhodri

Everild of Bloreheath

Fabienne l'Accusée

Fionnghuala ingen Chellaig

Gaius Artorius Varus Lupus

Galiana Machiavelli

Gentle Dirk

Guillaine Rosalind de Gaulle

Guy de Montferrat de la Meslaye

Inga in hraustliga

Issabbella Kendal

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