View: - - -- Select Branch -- Ayresgarde Bitter End Bordergate Borealis Borealis Old Harrows Cross Loch Dorr Montengarde Myragardhr Myrgan Wood Rhuddglyn Sandeshend Sigelhundas Valley Wold Vinjar Windwyrm
-- Kingdom Awards & Titles -- Argent Flame Augmentation of Arms Avacal Champion of Arrow Avacal Champion of Arts and Science Avacal Champion of Bardic Avacal Champion of Rapier Avacal Champion of Sword Avacal Champion of Youth Award of Arms Baron/Baroness - Landed/Territorial Black Arrow Black Shield Champion of Arrows Champion of Arts and Science Champion of Rapier Champion of Sword Champion of Youth Champion of Youth Armored Count/Countess Court Baron/Baroness Crown Prince/Crown Princess Defender of Rapier Dread Red Bear Duke/Duchess Elder of Avacal Fellowship of the University of Avacal Fortitude Geselschaft des Adlers of Avacal / Order of the Eagle of Avacal Gilded Feather Gilded Griffin Golden Flame Grey Goose Shaft Griffins Agate Griffins Grace Gules Mantle Harp of Avacal Heart and Gryphon Honorary Citizen Iron Arrow Iron Gauntlet Iron Maul Iron Quill Iron Skull King's Favour King/Queen Knight Laurel Magistar of the University of Avacal Noble Society of the Griffin Olafson Canard On Vigil Order of Avacal Order of Defense Pelican Prince's Favour Prince/Princess Prince/Princess Royale Princess' Guard Princess' Knott Queen's Favour Red Bow Red Drum Red Furison Red Gryphon of Avacal Red Helm Red Horse Red Oak Red Quill Rose Royal Cypher of the Gratia Coronae Royal Foreign Legion Sable Axe Sable Flame Sable Flute Sable Glove Sable Rapier Sable Saddle Sable Wing Scholar of The University of Avacal Silver Griffin Silver Griffin of Avacal Silver Lute Sphinx and Cartouche Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Throne's Favor Valorous Estate Vigil Viscount/Viscountess White Claw White Scarf White Tower of Avacal Winged Lynx WOAW Wonder Viking - -- Principality Awards & Titles -- Astrolabe of Saint Brendan Award of Arms Blue Lily Blue Spear Champion of Arrows Champion of Bardic Champion of Rapier Chronicler Cornucopia of Tir Righ Coronets Favor Exchequer Ffraid Friend of the Summits Grail of the Summits - A&S Grail of the Summits - Martial Grail of the Summits - Service Gryphon's Favor Gryphon's Paw Guardian of Tir Righ Hafoc l'Etoile d'Argent Leaf of Merit Order of the Summits Prince's Favour Prince/Princess Princess' Favour Raven of Tir Righ Red Flame Robin Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Seneschal Shattered Spear Shield of Chivalry Silver Berberie Silver Martlet Silver Pillar Silver Wing Silver Wolf Sovereign's Favor Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Throne's Favor Truehearted (Morgan's Rose) Valorous Estate Viscount/Viscountess
-- Most Everything Else -- Acacia Aegis Amicus Musarum Ancient Guildmaster of Fence Argent Bow Argent Shield Astrolabe of Saint Brendan Award of Arms Bachelors Degree banBheran's Favor Baron & Baroness's Favor Baron's Favor Baron/Baroness - Landed/Territorial Baroness's Favor Baronial Brownie Baronial Favour Bear's Claw Bee Belated Rose Bell & Chain Ben Dunfirth Hornbearers Black Flame Blasted Tree Blood of the Penguin Blood of the Wood Blue Lily Blue Spear Boar Vert Boar's Tusk Bountiful Hand Brass of the Minotaur Brewing Champion Brewmeister Briar Bumblebee Bunny Tail Bunny's Crook Bunny's Fang Captain of the Grenadiers Carp Caske Champion of An Tir Champion of Arrows Champion of Arts and Science Champion of Bardic Champion of Evergreens Champion of Rapier Champion of Sword Champion of Youth Champion of Youth Games Chess Champion Children of Saint Ferdinand Chronicler Citizen Cordon Royal Cornucopia of Tir Righ Coronets Favor Count/Countess Court Baron/Baroness Courtier Crown Prince/Crown Princess Crucible Crystal of Glymm Mere Cup of Borealis Cygnus Defender of Arrows Defender of Arts and Science Defender of Bardic Defender of Rapier Defender of Sword Defender of Youth A&S Defender of Youth Archery Defender of Youth Bardic Definistrator Dolphin Dragon of Montengarde Dragon's Flame Dragon's Heart Dragon's Pearls Dragon's Scale Dragon's Teeth Duke/Duchess Elders of Myrgan Wood Eldhus Elm Leaf of Autumn Elm Leaf of Myrgan Wood Elm Leaf of Spring Emissary of the Minotaur's Chair Exchequer Fellow of Saint Giles Fellow of the University of Atlantia Fern and Quill Ffraid Forester of Myrgan Wood Foresters Forget-me-not Friend of the Summits Friends of the Hare Fury of the Lion Gallant Games Champion Gold Leaf of Myrgan Wood Golden Arrow Golden Blossom Golden Estoile Golden Gryphon's Talon Golden Hedgehog Golden Letter Golden Link Golden Otter Golden Pinecone Golden Spoon Golden Sun in Splendor Golden Swan Golden Torc Golden Tyger Good Booth Goutte de Sang Grace of An Tir Grail of the Summits - A&S Grail of the Summits - Martial Grail of the Summits - Service Grant of Arms Green Leaf Grey Goose Shaft Gryphon's Favor Gryphon's Heart - Artemisia Gryphon's Paw Gryphons Eye Guardian of Tir Righ Guidon d'Argent Guidon de Sang Hafoc Hand of Fulla Hare Valiant Harp Argent Hastae Leonis Hawk's Grace Heart of Saint William Hearth of Hospitality Herald Extraordinary Honorary Citizen Honored Marshal of An Tir Honored Marshall Horn and Bow Horn and Sword House Citation Huntmaster Inspirational Consort Iris of Saint Elizabeth Iron Chain Jambe de Lion Junior Archery Champion King's Favour King/Queen Kingdom A&S Champion Kingdom Bardic Champion Kingdom Protector Knight l'Etoile d'Argent La Compaignie de la Couteau La Compaignie de la Forche Laurel Leaf of Merit Leaf of Merit Lector Ithra Legion of Courtesy Leo Minor Letter of Marque Lindquistringes Lion et de la Lance Lion of An Tir Lion's Arrow Lion's Claw Lion's Cub Lion's Heart Lion's Rapier Lion's Strength Lion's Sword Lion's Torse Lion's Troubadour Lions Fang Magistrae Ithra Maiden's Heart Main de St. Nicholas Mano d'Oro Mano Minos Manorial Estate Marksman of Seagirt Merchant Commendation Minotaur's Chain Moon Mortar and Pestle Mountains of Montengarde Muckin' Tall Maul Myrtle Tree Narwhal Nautilus Olde Shattered Shield Or Raven Order of Adiantum Order of the Rapier Order of the Summits Ordo Famuli Orion Palatine Baroness Pelican Pernicious Lily Pewter Raven Plate Popular Company of Sojourners Prince's Favour Prince/Princess Princess' Favour Protector Purple Fret Pyxis Queen's Champion of Rapier Queen's Favour Raven of Tir Righ Red Branch Red Crocus Red Flame Red Hart Red Pillar Righteous Rath Rising Star Robin Rock Rose Rose Leaf Royal Cypher of the Gratia Coronae Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Royal Scribal Favor Sable Chime Sable Cinquefoil of Montengarde Sable Dragon of Montengarde Sable Drum Sable Gauntlet Sable Scrivener Sagittarius Saint Ferdinand's Heart Scapula Leonis Scarlet Banner Scholar of Dragon's Laire Scholars of St. Thomas Schwanstein Sword Scroll of Honour Seagull Seamair Seneschal Sergeant Sergeant Emeritus Shattered Spear Shield of Chivalry Shield of the Barony Sigillum Regis Signum Reginae Silent Harp Silver Apple Silver Berberie Silver Brooch Silver Crane Silver Crocus of Myrgan Wood Silver Dolphin Silver Hawk of Myrgan Wood Silver Lily Silver Martlet Silver Oak Silver Pillar Silver Pinecone Silver Rose Silver Sea Urchin Silver Stag Silver Tear Silver Wing Silver Wolf Silverwolf Snapdragon Sovereign's Favor Standard Bearer Stromgard Sand Dollar Swan Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Thorn Banner Throne's Favor Thrown Weapons Champion Torse and Torch Triquetra Truehearted (Morgan's Rose) Tsveti Madrone Tsveti Madrone - Green Tsveti Madrone - Pink Tsveti Madrone - Purple Valorous Estate Venusta Vigilance Vinur Orminum Viscount/Viscountess Wa'a's Oar Wain Walker of the Way Warden Sergent Wheel White Hat White Scarf White Scroll Willow WOAW Wolf's Tooth Wolfs Paw Wordsmith Wyvern Yeoman Youngs Wolf - - Charts
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