Avacal Order of Precedence

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La Companiea de Los Jinetes de San Martin (Household) OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: House Citation Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for La Companiea de Los Jinetes de San Martin (Household) UP
Lachlana of Crownwood OP Rank: 447Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lachlana of Crownwood
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 15, 1983 (AS XVIII)
Laek Verkjastillandi OP Rank: 934Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Nov 26, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Lahela Bint Shamman OP Rank: 905Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Sep 25, 2010 (AS XLV)
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jul 30, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Lamberto Cavalli OP Rank: 1123Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Lamberto Cavalli
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jul 30, 2022 (AS LVII)
Landric of Ravensworth OP Rank: 553Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Landric of Ravensworth
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 15, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Lao Yu OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lao Yu UP
Lars of the Broken Wheel OP Rank: 742Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 28, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Lasairfiona O'Nuallan OP Rank: 950Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Mar 31, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Laudie McKnight OP Rank: 890Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for Laudie McKnight
Award of Arms (Avacal) Oct 10, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Laurel Venustas di Firenze OP Rank: 66Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Laurel Venustas di Firenze
Award of Arms (West) Jun 27, 1981 (AS XVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 19, 1984 (AS XIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 2, 1984 (AS XIX)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 12, 1985 (AS XIX)
Baroness of Montengarde (An Tir) Jan 11, 1986 (AS XX) through Jan 16, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 7, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Laurellen de Brandevin OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Laurellen de Brandevin UP
Laurelyn of West Bromwich OP Rank: 901Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Laurelyn of West Bromwich
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jun 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
Lauren of Montengarde OP Rank: 1188Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jan 18, 2025 (AS LIX)
Laurette Touloose OP Rank: 638Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 29, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Laymon of Myrgan Wood OP Rank: 519Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 12, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Lazarus Haubergier OP Rank: 307Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Lazarus Haubergier
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 23, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Oct 9, 2010 (AS XLV)
Lea-Helena Kerttunja Urhontytar Teuvasta OP Rank: 202Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Loch Dorr

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 8, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 15, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Leandra de St.Malo OP Rank: 531Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 20, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Leeda Machiavelli OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Horn and Sword Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Leeda Machiavelli UP
Leena Steinstriker OP Rank: 538Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 31, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Baroness of Montengarde (An Tir) Jan 20, 1996 (AS XXX) through Mar 20, 1996 (AS XXX)

Leif Ellingson SEE: Titus Cornelius Britanniccus

Leif of Cold Keep OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Cold Keep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Sep 15, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Leif the Lucky OP Rank: 317Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Also known as: Leif the Shifty
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Leif the Lucky
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 17, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 23, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Leif the Shifty SEE: Leif the Lucky

Leifr Stormraven OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 19, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 27, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Leitu OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Lena the Payne OP Rank: 854Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Nov 24, 2007 (AS XLII)
Lenora di Calizzan OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Lenora di Felicie OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Lenora di Felicie UP
Leoflaed of Dunstanggurg OP Rank: 439Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Midrealm) Jul 31, 1982 (AS XVII)
Leora Hayhurst the Swiss Wanderer OP Rank: 716Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Leora Hayhurst the Swiss Wanderer
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 8, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Leto Haven OP Rank: 831Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 9, 2006 (AS XLI)
Letta Maria Borgi OP Rank: 1098Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 7, 2019 (AS LIV)
Levi Kane OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Levi Kane UP
Li Xia OP Rank: 328Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Borealis , Sigelhundas , Windwyrm
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 28 awards for Li Xia
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 26, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 22, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Winged Lynx (Avacal) Oct 20, 2018 (AS LIII)
Liam Angarsson OP Rank: 277Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bitter End [Branch web site]

Also known as: Liam McGraw
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 22, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jul 8, 2006 (AS XLI)
Liam Dughlus OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Tir Bannog [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for Liam Dughlus
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 23, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 26, 2008 (AS XLII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Jul 11, 2009 (AS XLIV)

Liam McGraw SEE: Liam Angarsson

Liam of Brown Clee Hills OP Rank: 437Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Windwyrm

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 12, 1982 (AS XVII)
Lianor de Najera OP Rank: 856Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Lianor de Najera
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 10, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Lianora Heinriksdotter OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Lianora Heinriksdotter
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 17, 2015 (AS XLIX)
Lila McGruther OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Apple Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Lila McGruther UP
Lilah Oxana Runne OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also known as: Kuromori Fumiko
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Lillith Eisenbara OP Rank: 887Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Sep 26, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Lillith the Lost OP Rank: 648Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Bordergate
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Lillith the Lost
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 5, 2000 (AS XXXIV)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 20, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Lina Joya of Grantham Keep OP Rank: 278Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Lina Joya of Grantham Keep
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 30, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jul 8, 2006 (AS XLI)
Linaya OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Linaya UP
Linet Grímólfsdóttir OP Rank: 49Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Also known as: Brynndis Grimolfsdottir
Highest Award: Viscountess Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Linet Grímólfsdóttir
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 8, 2006 (AS XLI)
Viscountess (Avacal) Feb 16, 2008 (AS XLII)
Lishinia Aurelia OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lishinia Aurelia UP

Litton Spoke SEE: Elizabeth Litton

Livia Alexandra Severa OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Queen's Favour Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Livia Alexandra Severa UP
Livia Tasia OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Lizbet OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 30, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Ljotr Tormodsson OP Rank: 376Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Also known as: Tormod Ljotr
Highest Award: Winged Lynx Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Ljotr Tormodsson
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jul 13, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Winged Lynx (Avacal) May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
Lleucu Llygoden OP Rank: 1081Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Also known as: Llygoden of Myrgan Wood
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lleucu Llygoden
Award of Arms (Avacal) Oct 6, 2018 (AS LIII)
Llewellyn Myrddin OP Rank: 662Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Llewellyn Myrddin
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)

Llygoden of Myrgan Wood SEE: Lleucu Llygoden

Lochlainn Dubhghlas OP Rank: 913Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Lochlainn Dubhghlas
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 11, 2010 (AS XLV)

Lochlainn Lost SEE: Refr Bjarnarson

Lochlainn the Lost SEE: Refr Bjarnarson

Logan Gunthersson OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Prince Royale Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Logan Gunthersson UP
Logan Torynsson OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Prince's Favour Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Logan Torynsson UP
Logar Angarson OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: King's Favour Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Logar Angarson UP
Loki Engi Stikka OP Rank: 1164Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Apr 27, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Lorenzo of Borealis OP Rank: 1168Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lorenzo of Borealis
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jun 8, 2024 (AS LIX)
Lorette de Chasteauneuf OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Northshield

Also lived in: Avacal
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Lorette de Chasteauneuf
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jan 20, 2018 (AS LII)
Lorien of House Arianod OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Lorien of House Arianod UP
Lost Vikings, Household of the OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lost Vikings, Household of the UP
Loveday the Ribald OP Rank: 628Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Also lived in: Avacal
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 27, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 27, 2000 (AS XXXIV)
Lovisa OP Rank: 779Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Lovisa
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 3, 2004 (AS XXXIX)

Lucas Fergussson SEE: Isla Sionnach

Lucia Magna OP Rank: 372Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Winged Lynx Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Lucia Magna
Award of Arms (Avacal) Nov 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Winged Lynx (Avacal) Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
Luciano Tiepolo OP Rank: 1148Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Also known as: Brandon of Borealis
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Luciano Tiepolo
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 9, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Sable Glove (Avacal) Jun 8, 2024 (AS LIX)
Lucien of Kingsland OP Rank: 386Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Winged Lynx Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Feb 17, 2018 (AS LII)
Winged Lynx (Avacal) Sep 22, 2018 (AS LIII)
Lucinda Knarrabringa OP Rank: 412Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Winged Lynx Recommend for another award
See all 8 awards for Lucinda Knarrabringa
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jul 6, 2019 (AS LIV)
Winged Lynx (Avacal) Dec 14, 2024 (AS LIX)
Lucius OP Rank: 804Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Lucius
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 1, 2005 (AS XL)
Lucrezia Iseppa Constantina di Arborea OP Rank: 1022Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Also known as: Constantina Abore
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Lucrezia Iseppa Constantina di Arborea
Award of Arms (Avacal) May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
Sable Wing (Avacal) Nov 2, 2024 (AS LIX)
Ludoldus Havenblast OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Ludya Duham OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 10, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
Luise die Daverhaft von dem Dammerungstal OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Luise die Daverhaft von dem Dammerungstal UP
Luke of the Huscarles OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Gilded Feather Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Luke of the Huscarles UP
Lupine Darkwoode OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAvacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 27, 2005 (AS XL)

Lydia Jorgensdottir SEE: Finna Ingasdottir

Lynette de Laurier OP Rank: 441Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 22, 1983 (AS XVIII)
Lynn-Julie Dansereau OP Rank: Unranked Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Lynn-Julie Dansereau UP
Lyonet Lamoureux OP Rank: 658Avacal Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Lyonet Lamoureux
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)